Saturday, December 25, 2010

A very special Christmas


Alot of things happened today, some big, some small, but the best memories will be hard to put to paper. How does one explain hours of laughter, joy, and the love of time spent with beautiful, happy children? Where are the words to describe spending an hour getting the chance to really connect with them, talk to them like they are grown-ups and watch their eyes sparkle when they realize there is at least one person who really will accept them for who they are, and who they WANT to be, not who I EXPECT them to be.
The mother-in-law and I connected in a strange way, and I feel like I belong here alot more. The MIL asked me why exactly I would get my lips pierced, and I thought about it for a minute, and all the answers I’ve given, but I decided the truth was the best.
I said that every day since I was a young child I have looked in the mirror, and been unhappy with what I saw in it. I have never been able to look in a mirror and say “I like what I see, I am a beautiful person.” But when I got my rings, I stared in the mirror, and something different stared back. Something new, and special, something that says “this is who you are now, and this is beautiful.” I love the way I look, and every time I look in the mirror, I see the new me, a confidant beautiful me, with 3 sparkling piercings and I am happier that I’ve ever been. I got them because they make me feel beautiful.

The MIL stared at me for a moment, then smiled, nodded, and answered the call of the starving child. And I think she understood why somebody would do it. Today was really special, and though I am tired, I would never have changed anything that happened today for anything else in the world.

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