Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Rabid Bites!

Hi everybody.
I know most everybody who reads this knows I just got two new piercings recently. I got snakebites, which I love to DEATH, but they kind of make eating impossible. At least eating what we survive on (sandwiches) or anything that requires a spoon. So we went shopping tonight, and stocked up on A) Sandwich makings and b) Things I Can Eat.

When we came home, both me and rabbit got hankering for a really good fried ham sandwich, but I couldn’t figure out for the life of me how exactly I was supposed to eat it. We thought for a while and came up with SANDWICH BITES. (The best part of sandwich, bite-sized!) They are amazing. So we got to thinking and after he made me one and I engulfed it, I started taking pictures of the second. I decided I would show all you guys why exactly I love Rabbit as much as I do. (I may complain a lot about him but there aren’t many guys who will do this for their girl.)

The start of sandwich bites is just toasting bread and buttering it. Super easy. Then comes the MEAT. It’s gloriously fried ham, done expertly and piping hot so it melts the butter the rest of the way. In-cred-i-ble. (I should’ve gone with amazing, a-maz-ing is so much cleaner, incredible is just a dirty word when it’s broken into syllables for emphasis.)

Hah! That was the easy part, now comes the tough stuff.

We started this adventure using “Little Brother” the smaller knife but he just didn’t cut it. So we broke out Big Brother for the pictures. (I personally said we should use Spike but Rabbit said no. :( (Spike is the bread knife with all the pointy tips <3))))))) <— Parenthesis seizure.

I have all the inbetween pictures, of each little cut, but who the fuck cares. It’s cutting. crust.

This is the perfect sandwich to me. I hate crusts. HAAAAAAAATE. Hate :[

They look like fish sticks, don’t they? OMG they are almost ready and they look sooo YUMMY!!

I wanted to eat them right there but Rabbit said NO! So I stared and drooled… I took about 10 pictures of them just sitting there because I wanted to eat them SO MUCH. (Rabbit was giggling gleefully while denying me the best food ever.)

So I will give him his pomp and circumstance. A bunch of pictures of sandwich bites on a plate!!!!

He was so pleased with his skills with the knife here, I HAD to include it. In the kitchen, Rabbit is a GOD.

You can see they are almost ready here, but NOT QUITE. Rabbit made sure I knew this. LOL

For those with and without new lip piercings, THIS is the most amazing form of food perfection ever. EVER.
Okay if I just bored you to death with food then DISTRACTION!!!!!!! IT’S MOJO!!

Okay so this is the part where suddenly I realize why I shouldn’t blog. I got MYSELF distracted fixing photos, arranging coding and obsessing over the kitties and forgot the whole reason why “Sandwich Bites” are going to be called Rabid Bites, and in fact, is the main reason I wrote this long ambling blog about Rabbit’s awesomeness.

Rabbit, after the completion of our little sandwich journey wanted to get some video of me saying Rabbit’s Sandwich bites are the best….but the first time he pointed the camera at me I SWEAR TO GOD I heard him say “So what do you think of Rabid Sandwich Bites?” And I doubled over laughing. I thought it was the BEST name ever for food, and it stuck.
He, however, was completely baffled by the situation, and by the time I stopped laughing to explain I’d heard Rabid Bites he looked rather unhappy. Unfortunately, the video got deleted, so I can’t entertain you that way.
Now when I stare at my plate and think “food? or bed?” I can’t help but think of them sprouting eyes and teeth and biting things whilst avoiding my glass of water. Because that’s where my brain goes. Now you know.

Goodnight everybody!

Oh, P.S. I started making my perma-links use the topic. Just FYI.

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